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The aim of GDC is to get girls into coding so they can define their own success.

THE MISSION: Girls. Program your {SUCCESS}


Kyra Pachisia Anand
Founder, Girls Do Code (GDC)

Hey there!


I'm Kyra Anand, the founder of GDC. I created GDC when I was 10 years old and I love coding and am passionate about getting more women into coding. I truly believe that girls are capable of doing anything. When I get some spare time, I also love singing, making music, and watching tech videos!


So, what are you waiting for girls?


Lets code!


Our Volunteers


Arshia Budhraja

Code to Care Volunteer (JC)

Coding ECA Assistant (JC)

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Maryam Zahra Bhojani

Code to Care Volunteer (JC)

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Aanya Maheshwari

Code to Care Volunteer (JC)

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